
Inventory for Jessica's Boutique

Friday, June 24, 2011

This is so Embarrassing!!!!

Friday my husband got him a Droid Pro, and I ordered me a Pantech Crux. I received it Wednesday. It is a touchscreen. I added all of my contacts to my new phone and started texting my husband. He never received my texts. I was wondering why. I sent a text this morning saying "Good Morning I love you"
I then receive a call asking me if I had been texting him. I said, "I have been texting my husband." He said that he had been getting text saying I love you from someone named Jessica. I was like oh my god I am so sorry, I must've put my husband's number in wrong. He said that his was 5185. My husbands is 5285. I said that I had just got a new touch screen and that I was still getting used to it. He wasn't mean or hateful. I bet he was laughing at me. I wonder how many people is gonna be laughing at me that I don't even know. LOL! I don't care. I am laughing at myself!!!  Needless to say the first thing I did when I got off the phone was go in and change my husbands number. Lesson learned, Make sure you have the right number before you text anyone, you may embarrass yourself. Go ahead and laugh! I don't care!


  1. At least it was a stranger...I've sent texts meant for one person to someone else I knew by mistake...which DID prove embarrassing...I think you made that stranger's day ; )


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